Women on Point
We’re a ministry led by a committed team of women who are passionate about the Gospel of Jesus and seeing women of all ages come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.
The mission of Redemption Point Alliance church women’s ministry is: To challenge and equip women to passionately pursue Jesus. To engage women to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, Scripture, discipleship, and community. To Empower women to go and live out their purpose as they serve and reach others for Christ locally and globally.
- To minister to the needs of women and cultivate a spirit of unity.
- To empower women to seek a higher level of spiritual maturity in Christ through knowledge of biblical principles and doctrine.
- To equip women for service within the Church.
- To provide opportunities and encouragement for ministry within the community.
- To create an atmosphere that fosters fellowship, support, encouragement, and unity amongst the women, and
- To provide instruction and teaching regarding the Christian woman’s responsibility according to the principles found in Titus 2:3-5.
To utilize our gifts and talents to edify the body of Christ.
To empower and effectively minister to the needs of all women through witness, evangelism, and outreach, and to support the work of the Church
Our Core Values:
Foster spiritual growth and renewal among women.
Become women who are committed to prayer and actively growing in the Word.
Develop a mindset of living intentionally through a Kingdom perspective.
Affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption.
Equip women to function in their gifting for service in the church and ministry.
Minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs across the life span being sensitive to multi-cultural and multiethnic perspectives.
Build goodwill among women in the church that encourages bonds of friendship, mutual support, and the creative exchange of ideas and information.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”