Redemption Point Children’s Ministry Program
Helping to children to love God, know His Word and desire to live for His Glory
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
The Children’s Ministry team is dedicated to helping children encounter the love of God, to recognize His works, and to apply His Word to develop healthy lifestyles and relationships. We do this by investing time each week in worship, sharing, games and activities, and through teaching the Word of God in a way young people can easily understand.
Did you know that 85% of born again Christians received Christ before the age of 18?
Children’s ministry provides an opportunity each week for children to hear the Word of God in a safe and age appropriate environment that provides them with an understanding they can take with them through life.
Children’s ministry serves families. Children take home what they have learned. This can spark conversations and challenges and encourage the entire family.
It’s important to remember, there is no “Jr.” Holy Spirit. Kids come to Jesus just like adults do. God answers the prayers of kids just like He does for adults. God can move in their hearts just like He can for adults. In fact, the Bible says we must have the faith of a child to enter the kingdom of God. It calls adults to act like kids rather than telling kids to act like adults.
Children are not just the church of tomorrow. They are the church of today and tomorrow. They can serve today. They can make an impact now. They can give now. They can pray big prayers now. They can lead now. They can bring people to Jesus now.
An effective kids ministry is a vital part of a healthy church.
Come join this ministry that is exciting, challenging and fun!
For more information, contact Eddie Trujillo.